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“The cloud” means somebody else’s hardware. Amazon, Microsoft, and Google and others provide powerful options for public cloud storage, processing, and networking, with a growing range of specialized tools and services.

With worldwide data centers, cloud providers easily meet the needs of customers to connect worldwide staff, partners, and customers into one system.

(OPEX not CAPEX) organizations can use tools and systems as needed using a pay-as-you-go model with systems that scale up, scale down, and turn off. Cost directly matches use. Customers pay for what they need and do not need to plan for excess capacity to meet peak demand. In a dynamic modern organization struggling to meet their needs, change may be the only constant.

Cost control:
Organizations can reduce staff labor costs needed to support local infrastructure.

Innovation, not depreciation:
With huge scale and budgets, cloud providers provide the latest technologies for their customers, such as AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine learning). Organizations purchasing systems may need to wait for the next budget cycle to use the latest technology.

Managed offerings:
eMAM was the first to offer a marketplace media asset management system. Customers can get a complete turnkey SaaS or a software-only PaaS from cloud marketplaces.